
Top 10 Pertinent Questions Asked During Boarding Schools Interview Rounds

Cracking interviews in boarding schools like ICSE residential schools is on every student’s wishlist. However, proper immaculate preparation for facing interviews of boarding schools can help you nail your entrance interviews. Though each school has its own set of questions and criteria, there are a few common questions asked to students in ICSE residential schools in Pune, which they can easily answer without feeling anxious or nervous.

Below are the top 10 boarding schools’ FAQs:

  • Why are you pursuing a residential school education?

Schools like ICSE residential schools in Pune are curious to know about your lookouts when it comes to getting an education in boarding schools. Be prepared to elucidate how boarding schools make you realize and achieve dreams and goals.

  •  What is the most important thing you learn in boarding schools?

Better think out-of-the-box answer! Academics are crucial to educational success and point out how can boarding schools like ICSE residential schools in Pune help you move ahead for future success.

  • What’s your current school like? What do you like about your school and what would be the changes you want to make?


Showing that you’re invested in your education, demonstrates the kind of sincerity and dedication for which boarding schools like ICSE residential schools in Pune, are looking. Be honest letting them know what you value.

  • Explain your personal strengths and weaknesses.

This’s a question you’ll hear all the time throughout adulthood. From boarding schools to potential employers, people always ask you about your levels of self-awareness, and self-evaluation.

  • Do you engage yourself with extracurricular activities?


If you’re pursuing boarding schools like ICSE residential schools in Pune, you’re an active and engaged individual. From athletics and arts to more niche hobbies and passion, it’s imperative to show how you spend time and that you’re adept at managing it.

  • Throw some light on your accomplishment that makes you feel proud about yourself.

This is for sure academic-oriented. Perhaps you’ve participated in fundraising or been participating as a volunteer, written and composed your own music, or helped a family member in times of crisis. The important thing that counts is empathy, passion, and sincerity.

  • Enlighten us with your leadership quality.


This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how you’re able to take initiative, be it in the classroom, on the field, or in the lab. Boarding school like ICSE residential schools in Pune is a haven for leadership qualities, breeding grounds for leaders where you can show your potential.

  • What do you think you might study in college?

You may not know the answer, but that’s fine. This question indicates that you’ve at least considered what your future unfolds and what you might intend to learn. Don’t contemplate over details, rather have some aspirations ready for you to share.

  • Tell us something about your family & personal life.


ICSE residential schools in Pune and other boarding schools would like to visualize you as a well-rounded individual valuing community. This’s a chance to showcase your persona and talk about people and places that are relevant to you.

  • On a parting note, do you have any questions in mind for us?


Better you’ve something to ask! This show you’ve done your homework, and have a viewpoint about your educational future. They’ll want to see you’ve set your own criteria for success in the future.


However, there’re no right or wrong answers to this set of questions. What matters is your responses towards highlighting all aspects of your personality and habits that make you highly eligible for boarding schools like ICSE residential schools in Pune.

RiverDale International School, nestled in the picturesque hills of Mulshi, has been ranked as one of the leading ICSE residential schools in Pune, also imparting ISC curriculum, and specializing in running residential programs with no day scholars or weekly boarders. Our round-the-clock personal supervision and care ensure the all-around development of students. Spread over 50 acres of lush greenery, RiverDale offers facilities surpassing the expectations of parents and students in deciphering quality education.

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“Productivity and efficiency can be achieved only step by step with sustained hard
work, relentless attention to details and insistence on the highest standards of
quality and performance.” JRD Tata

Young minds are capable of infinite possibilities which when nurtured and
channelized in the correct path leads to excellence of the individual and to the

My team and I focus on creating a perfect blend of academics and personal
experiences between students and nature, fostering sensitivity to the environment.
We believe every individual has latent talents which need to be discovered and
nurtured. Our challenge is not only to develop this, but also prepare them as
socially empathetic, responsible and compassionate adults.

Our founder has continued to serve as a guiding light and helped us to focus on
self-esteem, acquiring life skills and sustainable development. This forms the
nucleus of educational system at RIS.

Parents have been our pillars of support and strength. They have constantly stood
with us and motivated us to strive for excellence at all times.

The students, the focal center of all activities at RiverDale, and the very reason for
its existence, have also played their unique role by aligning themselves with the school’s vision and objectives through appropriate conduct and application. A
profound sense of responsibility and ownership towards their own learning, an
enhanced ability to resist peer pressure and take morally sound decisions, and a
predisposition towards cooperation and mutual support in the fields of academics,
extra-curricular activities and sports are only a few attributes that characterize our
students at RiverDale.

The way students respond to the tireless and caring efforts of their teachers and
other staff fills us with the confidence that at RiverDale we are moving in the right
direction. It gives us the motivation to redouble our efforts to serve the best
interests of our students. It also fills us with a sense of pride that RiverDale, in its
own small way, continues to enrich society by providing a steady stream of
morally, intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically strong citizens. It is
with such tall standards to fall back on that we look to the future and discharge our
duties and responsibilities in the present.